Lee Ufan at Pace
Lee Ufan & Claude Viallat –
Encounter at PACE until 29 July
The Mono-ha movement, translated literally as the “School of Things, a movement formed by Lee Ufan who was interested in rejecting representational art for something more authentic. The Mono-ha mindset was linked to Buddhist philosophies that were often used in this era to question systems of meaning, The cotton and wire in Lee Ufan – Relatum, 1977-2023 sums it up for me.
Lee Ufan constructs environments using a using a combination of natural materials, like the boulder or stone you see here titled – Relatum – October 1968, 1968/ 2023
This piece is titled The Rope Drain, 1974/2023 rope and nails, dimensions variable.
Questioning Western modernism and its humanist motivations, the artists of Mono-ha were interested in the relationship between man and material without an emphasis on authorship or the art market.
This piece is titled From Point, 1977 acrylic on canvas, 5 canvases by Lee Ufan